Frequently Asked Questions

The activities of the Sloebers, Speeclub and Rakwi's start at 14u and end at 17u30.
The activities of the Tito's start at 14u and end at 18u.
The activities of the Keti's start at 14u and end at 18u30.
The activities of the Aspi's start at 14u and end at 19u.
Yes, your child is allowed to try 3 times for free, after registration is obligated after 3 times.
Registration costs €50 for the whole year or with a vrijetijdspas it's €20.


  • The gate opens at 13u30, kids can go inside and leaders are at the gate to anwser your questions.
  • At 14u, we give a sign that we're starting. The kids stand in a half-circle to listens to the announcements and watch the little play the leaders do. We then play a game with everyone together.
  • After the start, everyone goes with their own group to start their activity of the day.
  • Around 16u, everyone takes a break to eat a snack
    • For the younger groups, there is time for playing
  • After that, everyone continues their activity.
  • Sloebers, Speelclub and Rakwi's go to the gate at 17u30, where you can pick up your childeren.
  • Tito's at 18u
  • Keti's at 18u30
  • Aspi's at 19u
On Sundays, your child should wear their chiro uniform or clothes that can get dirty.
It is also best for your child to bring a cookie or piece of fruit and a drinking bottle.
Chiro Romejo Hoodies, T-shirts or caps are available at the gate every sunday.
Hoodie: €30
T-shirt: €15
Cap: €15
Shorts, skirts, chirosocks...
These are available in the Banier. You can order them online: Website Banier
Or go to the shop: Delaerestraat 16, 8800 Roeselare